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py-smi SNMP SMI/MIB Parser
py-smop Matlab/Octave to Python compiler
py-snmp SNMP library for Python
py-sode Python/Cython lib for solving Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations
py-sofa Python ctypes wrapper around the SOFA astronomical library
py-solpy Solar Performance and Design library
py-sortedcollections Python Sorted Collections
py-soxr Sample-rate conversion library for Python
py-Soya High level 3D engine for Python
py-spacy Short description of the package
py-spambayes Bayesian anti-spam filter, initially based on the work of Paul Graham
py-spams SPArse Modeling Software for solving various sparse estimation
py-spark Scanning, Parsing, and Rewriting Kit for Python
py-sparse Sparse multi-dimensional arrays for the PyData ecosystem
py-spatialdata Spatialdata provides transformations among coordinate systems
py-spatious Distance and geometry utilities
py-spectra Color scales and color conversion made easy for Python
py-spectral Python module for hyperspectral image processing
py-speex Speex bindings for Python; see speex package for details
py-speview Program to display binary SPE files containing Raman spectra
py-spfpm Tools for arithmetic on fixed-point (binary) numbers
py-spglib Python bindings for finding and handling crystal symmetries
py-sphereTS Calculates the acoustic of an elastic sphere immersed in a fluid
py-spherical Evaluate and transform D matrices 3-j symbols, and spherical harmonics
py-spherical-functions Implementation of Wigner D Matrices, spin-weighted spherical harmonics
py-sphinx-bootstrap-theme Sphinx Bootstrap Theme
py-sphinx-theme-builder Tool for authoring Sphinx themes with a simple workflow
py-sphinxcontrib-apidoc Sphinx extension for running sphinx-apidoc on each build
py-sphinxcontrib-asyncio Sphinx extension to support coroutines in markup
py-sphinxcontrib-svg2pdfconverter Sphinx SVG to PDF converter extension
py-sphinxreport Report generator in python based on Sphinx and matplotlib
py-sphviewer Framework for rendering particle simulations
py-spice Python interface to the Ngspice and Xyce circuit simulators
py-spirack Drivers for the QuTech SPI-rack
py-spm1d One-Dimensional Statistical Parametric Mapping
py-spotpy Statistical Parameter Optimization Tool
py-sppy Sparse matrix package based on Eigen
py-spsdk Open Source Secure Provisioning SDK for NXP MCU/MPU
py-spyder-kernels Jupyter kernels for Spyder's console
py-spyder-notebook Jupyter notebook integration with Spyder
py-spyder-terminal Run system terminals inside Spyder
py-spyder-unittest Plugin to run tests from within the Spyder IDE
py-spyder-vim Plugin to enable vim keybindings to the spyder editor
py-spydrnet Python package for analyzing and transforming netlists
py-spyse Spyse is a framework and platform for building multi-agent systems
py-sqlalchemy-json JSON type with nested change tracking for SQLAlchemy
py-sqlalchemy-searchable Provides fulltext search capabilities
py-sqlalchemy-stubs SQLAlchemy stubs and mypy plugin
py-sqlelf Explore ELF objects through the power of SQL
py-sqlitedict Persistent dict in Python, backed up by sqlite3 and pickle, multithread-safe
py-SQLObject Allows you to translate RDBMS table rows into Python objects
py-squarify Pure Python implementation of the squarify treemap layout algorithm
py-srpy Easy access and remote control of local/remote Python instances
py-srsly Modern high-performance serialization utilities for Python
py-ssh2 Python wrapper around libssh2
py-ssp Python speech signal processing library for education
py-stache Mustache for Python
py-statemint Library for finding State Space models of dynamical systems
py-statgrap Python bindings for the libstatgrab library
py-stats-arrays Standard NumPy array interface for defining uncertain parameters
py-statsd Client for the statsd daemon
py-stemming Python implementation of Porter Stemming algorithm.
py-stencils Speeding up stencil computations on CPUs and GPUs
py-storm Storm is an object-relational mapper (ORM)
py-strategies Python library for control flow programming.
py-stravalib Tools for accessing and downloading Strava data
py-stringcase String case converter
py-sumatra Tracking projects based on numerical simulation or analysis
py-sunpy Python for Solar Physicists
py-sv-geometry Functions for bidimensional and tridimensional arithmetic geometry
py-swh-core Software Heritage core utilities
py-swh-deposit Software Heritage Deposit Server
py-swh-graph Software Heritage graph service
py-swh-icinga-plugins Icinga plugins for Software Heritage infrastructure monitoring
py-swh-indexer Software Heritage Content Indexer
py-swh-journal Software Heritage Journal utilities
py-swh-lister Software Heritage lister
py-swh-loader-core Software Heritage Base Loader
py-swh-loader-debian Software Heritage Debian loader
py-swh-loader-dir Software Heritage Directory Loader
py-swh-loader-git Software Heritage git loader
py-swh-loader-mercurial Software Heritage Mercurial Loader
py-swh-loader-npm Software Heritage loader for npm packages
py-swh-loader-pypi Software Heritage PyPI Loader
py-swh-loader-svn Software Heritage Loader SVN
py-swh-loader-tar Software Heritage Tarball Loader
py-swh-mirror-forge Mirror swhs forge to github
py-swh-model Software Heritage data model
py-swh-objstorage Software Heritage Object Storage
py-swh-objstorage-replayer Software Heritage content replayer
py-swh-scanner Software Heritage code scanner
py-swh-scheduler Software Heritage Scheduler
py-swh-search Software Heritage search service
py-swh-storage Software Heritage storage manager
py-swh-vault Software Heritage vault
py-swh-web Software Heritage Web UI
py-swh-web-client Software Heritage Web client
py-sxtwl Python implementation version of the astronomical calendar
py-sylajone Sylajone: Arabic syntax Analyzer library
py-sym Unified wrapper for symbolic manipulation libraries in Python
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